If you have ever experienced cold, pain, and limited movement in your hands and feet—you are not alone. This condition could be called Raynaud’s Syndrome. Acupuncture is an effective way to treat Raynaud’s Syndrome.

Raynaud’s Syndrome
What happens physically when hands and feet get cold? Simply put, the veins in the hands and feet become constricted or narrow. Restriction of the blood vessels decreases the blood flow. This condition is called Raynaud’s syndrome. There are two forms of Raynaud’s syndrome—primary and secondary (also called Raynaud’s phenomenon). The difference between the two is with secondary Raynaud’s syndrome, an underlying condition is the cause. There is no known cause for primary Raynaud’s. Lastly, it is more common among women, than men.
There is not a known cure for this condition, but there are treatments through Acupuncture and Chinese herbs that can alleviate the discomfort in conjunction with lifestyle changes. Rarely is surgery preformed to treat this condition. As far as lifestyle changes are concerned, it is recommend that you do not smoke, and avoid caffeine. Both of these cause constriction of the blood vessels.
How Acupuncture Works for Raynaud’s Syndrome
In Acupuncture, coldness is a result of an insufficient blood flow due to blockage of the body’s ‘yang.’ Yang is described as ‘fire energy’ in traditional Chinese medicine. The practice of acupuncture allows the body to self-regulate the balance of energy in the body, called Qi, and alleviate symptoms. It’s been proven that Acupuncture does increase circulation. [1]

Very small needles are inserted along specific points, called meridians, along the body. These needles stimulate the nervous system allowing the body to respond by promoting circulation to the area. Besides acupuncture, and lifestyle changes, dietary adjustments and herbal supplements are also recommended to support the healing process. If you want to experience the healing power of Acupuncture for Reynauld’s Syndrome contact Dr. Han today.